We adopt the Child Protection Policy of the ISTD as suggested for their
members, a copy of which is attached and should be referred to for the
detailed provisions.
In our Child Protection Policy the welfare of each child is paramount. All
children without exception have the right to be protected from abuse in any
form regardless of gender, ethnicity, disability, sexuality or beliefs.
There are four commonly recognised categories of child abuse.

These are:

  • Physical abuse – This will include hurting or injuring a child, for example
 by hitting, shaking or bullying.
  • Sexual abuse – This involves exploitation by an adult of their power,
 authority or position to use a child to gratify their own sexual needs. It
includes sexually suggestive comments and inappropriate remarks in
addition to all forms of sexual touching or behaviour.
  • Emotional abuse- This occurs when a child is regularly derided,
 discriminated against, ridiculed or ignored rather than given
encouragement, help and support.
  • Neglect- This usually refers to failure by a parent to meet a child’s basic
needs but in this context may include exposing children to harm or
failing to ensure that they are safe.

It is our policy that all our Teachers are DBS checked and behave with the 
utmost professionalism in their relationship with pupils.

Linda Greene and Georgia Greene are the Designated Individuals to whom all 
suspected cases of abuse should be reported. 
All concerns and allegations will be taken seriously and responded to 
appropriately. This may require a referral to Children’s Services and I or the
Police dependent upon the circumstances. 
The Designated Individuals will keep an accurate record of all child protection 

Linda Greene
(2017 /18 revision)

Child Protection

The ISTD has also introduced a Child Protection policy, with associated Good Practice
Guidelines, in the light of the difficulties in law which would arise both for the Society and for
members if a problem arose and due consideration had not been given to the risks involved.
As part of the policy, as well as ISTD employees, members who are in contact with children
and vulnerable persons are expected to operate procedures particularly on employment,
data protection, procedures at events and photography.
The ISTD has procedures in place so that any allegation or complaints of abuse are taken
seriously and investigated, which includes informing the trustees of the complaint. They have
the power to suspend the individual against whom the complaint has been made from
employment or membership until the investigation is complete and a decision on the action
to be taken has been made.
In addition, each member should keep a list of any person in their school, or associated with
it, who may have access at any time to records about children, or who may be helping with
activities which may bring them into a supervisory contact with children using their facilities,
or the ISTD’s facilities, services or activities, whether paid or voluntary. All those on the list
should be asked to undergo a disclosure check by the Disclosure Barring Service (DBS) to
ascertain their suitability to supervise, protect and safeguard the welfare of children using the
ISTD or members facilities. The ISTD operates a scheme for members to obtain DBS
Disclosures through Due Diligence Checking, and full details of the scheme are given at the
end of this section. The full policy is as follows:

Children and Vulnerable Persons Protection Policy

1. The ISTD and all its members are aware that children under 18 and vulnerable persons of
any age can be involved in their activities and that they have a responsibility, within the limits
of their control and jurisdiction, to protect and safeguard the welfare of every such child and
vulnerable person.

2. It is the policy of the ISTD that all children and vulnerable persons have the right to
protection from abuse. All trustees, employees and members who are in contact with such
children and vulnerable persons are expected to be familiar with and to apply the procedures
• Employment including temporary/sub-contracted staff, and examiners
• Data protection, especially in regard to children
• Procedures at ISTD events, competitions, and courses
• Procedures for examiners
• Photography and video recording
The Council will ensure that the following procedures are in place so that any allegation(s) or
complaints of abuse are taken seriously and investigated.

3. Any complaint or incident to be reported under this policy should be reported in the first
instance to the person in charge of the event or activity indicating that an abuse of a child or vulnerable person’s welfare may have taken place. If the person in charge is the person
against whom the complaint is being made, the matter should be referred to the Chief
Executive or if the complaint is about him, to the Chairman of the ISTD

4. On receipt of a complaint the Chief Executive (Chairman) will convene, as soon as
possible, a committee of three trustees to hear and investigate the complaint. All parties to
the complaint will have the right to be heard, induding the parents or legal guardian(s) of the
child or vulnerable person concerned.

5. The trustees will be informed of the complaint and have the power to suspend the
individual(s) against whom the complaint has been made from employment or membership
until the investigation is complete and a decision on the action to be taken has been made.

6. The ISTD has a person who is appointed as a Child Protection officer to advise on
procedures to ensure the ISTD and its members are aware of their responsibilities, and is
responsible for liaising with its Umbrella Body on DBS Disclosures. In co-operation with the
Chief Executive the Child Protection Officer will keep and update a list (the list) of all ISTD
employees and each member will likewise keep a list of any other person who, from time to
time, may have access to records about children, or who may be helping with activities
which may bring them into a supervisory contact with children using their facilities or the
ISTO’s facilities, services or activities, whether paid or voluntary.

7. All persons noted in the List will be asked to undergo a disclosure check by the Disclosure
Barring Service (DBS) to ascertain their suitability to supervise, protect and safeguard the
welfare of children using the ISTD or members facilities.

8. A copy of this policy document and guidelines on good practice will be given to all persons
noted in the List. The Chief Executive will ensure that the policy and its implementation will
be kept under review. The final status of the DBS check will be will be reported direct to the
Chief Executive and be held securely in confidence.

Child Protection – Good Practice Guidelines

The following are common sense examples of how tc create a positive culture and dimate:

Good practice

• Atways work in an open environment (e.g. avoid private unobserved situations and
encourage open communication with no secrets).
• Treat all children equally and with respect and dignity.
• Atways put the welfare of each child first.

Practices to be avoided

• Avoid spending time alone with children away from others save in essential one to
one situations when extreme care should be exercised.
Practices never to be sanctioned
• Allowing or engaging in horseplay, physical or sexually provocative games.
• Allowing or engaging in any form of inappropriate touching.
• Making sexually suggestive comments to a child or young person, even in fun.
• Reducing a child to tears as a form of control.
• Failing to ad on and record any allegations made by a child.

Incidents that must be reported/recorded

If any of the following occur during or in the context of an ISTD event or activity, it should
immediately be reported to the designated Child Protection Officer:

• If you accidentally hurt a child.
• If a child appears to be sexually aroused by your actions.
• If a child misunderstands or misinterprets something you have done.
• If a child is unusually distressed and you have any suspicions of or concerns about
potential abuse.

This policy has been agreed by the ISTD Council oftv’lanagement, is reviewed on a regular basis, and
any amendments other than to contact details, have been confirmed by them.

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